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Found 24845 results for any of the keywords thomas jefferson school of. Time 0.017 seconds.
Testimonials - Thomas Jefferson School of LawI transferred to Thomas Jefferson School of Law ( TJSL ) in my 3L year, so I had the benefit of contrasting my TJSL experience with another law school. And I found TJSL to be exceptional for various reasons.
Homepage - Thomas Jefferson School of LawTJSL is a private, non-profit California law school. We offer residential and online JD degrees as well as graduate LLM degree programs.
Required Disclosures - Thomas Jefferson School of LawThomas Jefferson School of Law s degree-granting authority, in connection with its JD and ALS students’ qualifications to take the California Bar Examination and obtain admission to practice law in California, is based u
History - Thomas Jefferson School of LawThomas Jefferson School of Law was founded in 1969 as the San Diego campus of Western State University College of Law, a privately-owned institution based in Fullerton, California. The San Diego branch was located in dow
Visit - Thomas Jefferson School of LawThomas Jefferson School of Law is located in a new, modern campus in the heart of the downtown legal community and within a short walk of San Diego’s courthouses, many of its major law firms, and the offices of various f
Donate - Thomas Jefferson School of LawThank you for helping build the culture of philanthropy that is critical to providing a world class legal education for our students.
Contact - Thomas Jefferson School of LawGeneral Inquiries: Looking for more information about Thomas Jefferson School of Law? Use the form below to get in touch with us or contact us at or (619) 297-9700.
Board of Trustees - Thomas Jefferson School of LawThomas Jefferson School of Law s Board of Trustees use their collective experience and insight to help guide us as we move forward on our journey to become one of the most innovative law schools in San Diego and the worl
Legal Assistance - Thomas Jefferson School of LawThomas Jefferson School of Law operates three clinics through which students provide pro bono legal services to the San Diego community. In each clinic, students earn law school credit working on client matters under the
About Us - Thomas Jefferson School of LawThomas Jefferson Law School is known for our world-class faculty and an unwavering commitment to student success.
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